Return to Training from an Injury Prevention Perspective

Return to Training from an Injury Prevention Perspective
The NOA Department of Sports Injury Prevention held a distance workshop entitled Return to Training from the Perspective of Injury Prevention with presence of members of the national volleyball and basketball teams.

Iran NOA; Tehran: the most important titles that were presented to the participants in this one-day workshop were: Advantages and disadvantages of exercise at home and return to exercise strategies after the period of non-training (during corona pandemic), the effect of lack of training in athletes including changes in muscular systems, the effect on physiological adaptations of athletes, tendon changes, ligament and groin injuries, proper training load in return to training process and post-corona competition conditions, definitions of training variables and stimuli, types of training program variables and types of training load during the pandemic, increasing and decreasing risk factors for sports injuries athletes' respiratory health during corona, respiratory system function and corona impact on the system, how to increase lung capacity before possible disease and proper breathing exercises, methods of transmitting corona virus, prevention protocols and the role of coronavirus prevention in the national elite athletes and the protocols provided by the Anti-Corona Headquarters.

Jul 18, 2020 12:53
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