OlympicAcademy|Academy Centers|Sport Psychology Center

Sports Psychology Center

Sports Psychology Center

In order to complete and integrate the activities of sports medicine, in the field of psychology, especially in the field of improving the performance of national athletes, an independent center was established in the National Olympic Academy.

Objectives and duties:

- Helping increase the level of readiness and mental health of national team athletes

- Helping improve the level of knowledge of coaches in relation to psychology and interpersonal communication

- Help improve the performance of athletes in training and sports competitions

- Help improve the quality of life of Olympic athletes

- Teaching the mental skills of champions and sports coaches

- Training efficient and specialized forces in the field of sports psychology

- Helping promote human relations among athletes and sports organizations

- Providing psychological counseling to sports champions and coaches

- Providing educational resources and publishing monologues, brochures, bulletins, posters with psychological content

- Holding and participating in national, regional and international scientific, professional symposiums of sports psychology

- Implementation of scientific-applied projects of sports psychology